

Traditional Chinese Medicine



There is high level of evidence for the effectiveness of Acupuncture for over 117 conditions, being safe and cost effective.
The mechanisms underlying how Acupuncture works with sensory and nerve signalling pathways, biochemicals and our body’s natural painkillers, has been extensively researched. Acupuncture stimulates muscle relaxation and changes in organs, including functional connectivity in the brain. It decreases illness while improving the regulation of hormones, alongside regulating rest, relaxation, digestion and tissue healing.

Acupuncture is amongst the safest interventions in modern medicine with the frequency of occurrence of serious adverse events at 11 per 4,441,103 procedures.



Moxa is a herb called Mugwort which is ignited and positioned on acupuncture points to bring warmth. The moxa can be placed on the end of an acupuncture needle, or in a ceramic box placed on a wooden stand. Smokeless moxa is used to ensure a relaxing and pleasant experience.


Cupping is a safe and non-invasive technique used by creating a gentle suction. Coreena uses sterilised glass cups to effectively move Qi and blood in prescribed areas of the body.


Shoni Shin
A gentle and effective needle-free acupressure technique, safe for children and the needle phobic!


Chinese Astrology
Based on the Flying Stars theory from the ancient Chinese I Ching (Book of Changes), this age-old astrology gives an insight into mind, health and your life path.

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Oriental Psychology

On the Ancient’s understanding that “all disease starts in the mind”, Coreena and Katrina have both been trained to effectively and gently address our human paradigm. As we live in a dualistic ebb and flow of life and experiences that impact our health, our psychological state cannot be ignored. Both work closely with other health professionals to refer to accordingly.


Chinese Dietetics

Food is understood to be the primary cause of sickness and the pivotal source of longevity. Chinese dietetics includes classification of foods according to the 4 major food groups, the 5 tastes, and their natures. This is applied and cooked according to one's individual signs and symptoms so your body can work at optimum health. The immune system can only perform its protective functions (resistance to disease) if the nutritive system upon which it derives nourishment is serviced appropriately. Also, clear thinking depends entirely on suitable nourishment, especially sufficient blood.


Gua Sha
A form of treatment using gentle stimulation, acupressure and massage to revitalise skin texture and improve circulation. Smooth crystal tools such as jade, rose quartz or agate can be utilised on the face or body and can include facial rollers.


Facial Cupping
Facial Cupping uses soft, sterilised, single use plastic cups, enhancing circulation and toning facial muscles. No marks are left with this technique as a gentle suction is applied in slow repetitive motions, contouring muscles and stimulating elasticity.


Facial Rejuvenation Treatments
Coreena is a leading Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncturist, using a thousand-year-old technique perfected for today. This luxury treatment is multi-faceted, addressing any of your skin concerns and signs of aging.