

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage holistically treats the body, aiming to identify the original bio-mechanical dysfunctions, in finding a remedy to the cause of the dysfunction as well as the symptoms, aiding in speeding up the body’s own repair mechanisms, which will assist to rebalance and restore you to your body’s natural equilibrium, enabling you to function better in everyday life with more ease, range of motion, flexibility and energy.  

Remedial massage is a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow depending on the condition and, of course, the client’s tolerance and the length of time of the existing condition, whether it be chronic or acute.  A combination of specialised techniques and tests are applied which can include Deep Tissue techniques, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, stretches and more. 

Each treatment is personalised to suite your individual needs.  It can be used as a preventative measure, and/or purely for relaxation and general well-being.