
Reiki is an expression of the radiance of the “Universal Life Energy” rediscovered and first taught in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui.

This energy is channelled through the hands of the practitioner to awaken the healing powers of one’s own system to allow the body to begin healing itself by re-balancing the energy levels, calming the nervous system and relaxing any overactive thoughts that may be clouding the mind and impair decision making.

During a treatment, depending upon your current needs, you may feel a sense of deep relaxation as your body takes time out from your day to day schedule, or you may feel a release of blocked energy that has been emotionally trapped within parts of the body that has been causing discomfort or pain.  Generally, in Reiki treatments the client is fully clothed, unless in a combination with a remedial massage treatment.

At least 3 concurrent reiki sessions are recommended to receive the full benefits.

Combination treatments are also available and can be incorporated with massage or counselling.

Remote Distant Healing Sessions also available