Life Coach

Paul Barnat
Certified Health and Life Coach

Time Line Therapy, NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Medical Hypnosis, Parapsychologist

“Everything I do, I believe in building healthy, conscious, purpose driven people and communities, I believe in helping people make powerful shifts in their mindset and health to feel great and live an inspired life.” PB

The founder of ‘Focus Theory’ Paul Barnat has over 20 years experience in personal development, human potential, fitness training, breathwork, and meditation.

He has designed his coaching programs exclusively for those who truly feel that they have more to offer, yet stress, anxiety, and the feeling of being overwhelmed takes over.

Through his coaching programs he teaches practical, effective, results-based tools that transform stress and anxiety to feeling more active, healthy, and living on purpose, assisting you in taking positive steps in the right direction for success.

He has dedicated his life to educating and empowering people to experience less stress, greater health, inspiration and focus in their everyday lives. Paul is known as the 'personal trainer for your mind'.
